Random Observations…..

Random observations today:

When your husband greets you in the morning with, “You and your yoga pants,” it might be time for a new look. 

Air Wick air fresheners make me happy. The Clean Linen fragrance tricks me into thinking my house is clean. 

My dogs think the couches in the basement are their personal beds. 

I don’t care how chilly it is outside. I’m wearing flip flops because Spring has sprung. 

My scale must have a malfunction. I’ve been working out and eating well, but the number on my scale hasn’t budged. Stupid scale.

My secret stash of Easter candy might not have been my brightest idea. 

Sneaking a nap in the sun on a cool April day can make you red as a lobster. 

I’m craving some beach seafood. 

Tanned love handles look better than pale love handles. 

These were the thoughts zipping through my mind as I made school lunches and straightened the house this morning. You probably think I entertain much deeper ideas in my head, but today, you’d be wrong. I’m off to work out with a friend and then tackle my day.

Who knows? Maybe I’ll even buy some new yoga pants. 🙂





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