2012 Reflections

2013 is almost here.  Another new year to accomplish goals and meet new people.  Four more seasons.  Anniversaries and birthdays.  I’m sure I’ll pack it full of memories, successes, and failures.  But before I do, I’m looking back over 2012.  I experienced some first’s and some last’s.  Take a look:

In February, I hosted the very first Pastors’ Wives Track at our Velocity 2012 Conference.  It was super cool to invest into the women who serve and lead our churches so well.

In April, my hubby released his book, The Measure of Our Success. We spent the prior summer writing and editing this labor of love and have heard from so many who have been helped by it.

April held another first for me: speaking on stage to 5000 people.  Uh, so unexpected.  Nevertheless, I was honored to speak alongside my husband at the Exponential Conference in Orlando.  And, as a bonus, shaky nerves apparently aids in weight loss.  I lost 3 pounds that week….just in time for swimsuit season.  Thanks, Exponential.

This year, God provided more opportunities for me to write.  I discovered my great love for writing through this blog, and now I get to write for other publications, too.  Check out Flourish.me and FaithVillage.com.  Two fantastic blogs.  And, of course, Up In Cumming magazine lets me teach about God’s love to my very own city.

269 more people were baptized at Mountain Lake Church in 2013.  I stand amazed that God allows my husband and me to lead this great church. My son was one of those 269.  He’s the last Lovejoy kid to become a Christian.  GO, PAUL!

Our summer was THE BOMB with a 3 week vacation!  Thank you, friends, for the free condos and houses to stay in.  We came home refreshed after an extremely busy ministry year. Well tanned, too.

Our family sponsored 2 Compassion International children in Tanzania, Africa.  We’re praying for them and meeting their physical and spiritual needs.  Honestly, though, I think we get more out of it than they do.

And, I tackled a workout program that got me in the best shape of my life, made some (new) life-long friends, and washed (another) iPhone.

So, that’s my year in review.  What about you? Before you make plans for 2013, why not take a few minutes to walk down memory lane? Celebrate what you’ve accomplished or learned.  Praise God for His provision and grace in 2012.  Who knows? Maybe looking over your past will help you plan your future.

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3 thoughts on “2012 Reflections

    • Yes, Sarah. You can find it at PinkMethod.com. It’s $60. I’ve loved it, and I’m kicking it back off today (I have done light workouts since September, but now I’m ready to take it back up a notch!) Let me know if you take the plunge!


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